About Dr. Diballa Chiropractor Services in Thousand Oaks



Dr Diballa

Dr Susan Diballa

Since 1991, Dr. Susan Diballa has passionately provided chiropractic care to countless patients throughout the Thousand Oaks area.

But how do you know if chiropractic care is for you? Aside from the popularity of adjustment videos on the web, the term is still obscure for many. We're here to highlight this form of treatment, our approach to the matter, and what symptoms our services can help you overcome.




About chiropractic services

Every day, your body is exposed to wear and tear. Everything from sitting in a chair for long hours to carrying heavier items to participation in sports causes strain on the joints and muscles throughout your body. And just like your car, your body is a machine that requires maintenance to keep moving.

Chiropractic is a form of care that aims to put the body back in balance. This treatment removes nerve interference by reconnecting the communication between the brain and the muscles, joints, and organs in the body, helping keep the body moving and young.

Unlike many other medical care forms, chiropractic sessions are non-invasive and rarely rely on machines or external methods to remedy an issue. Chiropractic is Greek for "by hand." You can rest assured knowing we’ll provide you with the personal care you require.

Our approach

The only time you'll spend with heavy medical machinery is during the initial X-ray. We use this tool to get an in-depth look at your condition. We take the time to evaluate the body's structure to determine which joints are stiff and painful. It can also help us determine the source of the pain and stiffness if it's on account of weakness, injury, or postural changes.

Once we know your condition, we can move to chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy. Combining either helps to stretch/strengthen and restore mobility to the joints and flexibility to the muscles, and the body moves more efficiently.

Our services go further than only strengthening the body with manual techniques. We wholeheartedly believe in the importance of giving it what it needs to regenerate. No, we won't prescribe potentially harmful medications. Instead, we will sit down and suggest vitamins and herbs that help maintain and restoring health and dietary recommendations for maintaining optimal weight.

Spinal Injury

Non-invasive medicine

Unless medically necessary, we don't suggest treatment with drugs or a scalpel. Instead, we target the issues under the surface without ever putting you under.

Chiropractic treatments work to restore the joint's function and motions while decreasing pain.

All living things have a vibration and are in motion. When the joints of the body lose mobility and become stiff due to the aging process or injury, nature sends a signal—pain. Restoring movement into the body decreases pain and keeps us feeling young.

Beyond relieving pain and restoring motion, proper adjustment techniques have profound effects on the body. Releasing toxins trapped deep within the tissue, restoring circulation, and the anti-oxidant effect all work to create a much more sound and pleasant state of health and mind.


Can it help you?

When's the last time you had your car serviced? Likely right on schedule. When's the last time you gave your body the care it needs? Sad to say, many people overlook the importance of chiropractic care and go through life assuming their pain is only natural.

Dr. Diballa, a leading female chiropractor, is here to prove them otherwise. Anyone with sports injuries, people who sit at a computer, aging bodies that don't move the way they used to, and people who have stress in their lives can all be helped.

Even if you've never experienced an injury and lead a sound and happy lifestyle, you may benefit from a visit. A single session can restore your body from years of neglect and remind you of how good you can feel

Body Care

Conditions treated

What if you are dealing with pain? What if nothing else works? Can chiropractic care be the solution you're looking for?

Doctors of chiropractic solutions have been known to treat countless conditions in ways that traditional medicines cannot. We never want to undersell the importance of proper medical care if your situation demands it. 

However, we are here to fill in the gaps that it cannot. Below is a list of conditions we have treated countless times. If you are experiencing any, we strongly suggest letting us help you.

  • Arthritis

  • Strains/sprains from sports injuries or car accidents

  • Headaches

  • Lower back pain from sitting

  • Sciatic leg pain

  • Disc herniations in the neck or low back

Chiropractic effectiveness

Studies regularly prove the effectiveness of chiropractic care. In a clinical trial, such as the one published by JAMA Network Open, a group of patients suffering from low back pain is the subject. Half the patients are given usual medical care alone while the other half receive medical care and chiropractic treatment. The study shows the half participating in chiropractic sessions report less pain, improvement in function, and use less pain medication than those given usual medical care alone.

Whether you are in pain or simply curious about what our chiropractic services can do for you, you can rest assured knowing it has been proven to work. More importantly, it will help you get back to feeling young, healthy, and happy.


  • Tues + Wednesday + Thursday + Friday9 am - 6 pm
  • Saturday + Sunday + Monday Closed